How to Find Cases

In this section we will cover the many ways you can easily find a case in CaseReview. Search using one criteria or combine criteria for a more narrowed search. For example, you can apply an events filter of 12-Lead and then combine it with a search by date of 12/1 to 12/31. Or combine events to see cases with shocks, 12-Leads, and compressions. Searches with multiple selections will return cases that meet all the selected search criteria. Searches with just two selections will return one result or the other.

Remember, after selecting search criteria, you must click Search to activate the filter.

Note: Frequently used searches can be saved for your private use or shared with your organization.

Unopened cases

We’ll start with unopened cases. The default Manage Cases view shows both opened and unopened cases. Unopened cases are bolded, which makes them easy to spot. When you click the ‘Show only unopened cases’ box, you filter out all opened cases and display only unopened, bolded cases. Click the box again to see both.

Search by events

You can find cases with one specific event or search for cases using multiple events. Click the Events field to view the list. Check one or more boxes and then click Search.

Search by case types

If Case Type Identification is enabled in your system, click the 'Case types' field and select the type(s) from the list. Types can include Clinical, Non-clinical, Simulated, and Other.

Search by tags

Now, let's talk about tags. Tags are names that you associate to cases so you can easily find them for further analysis. For example, a tag can be the name of an event, a unit, or a region. If you have been tagging your cases and want to see cases with specific tags, click the tag field and select the name (or names - you can chose multiple) from the list. If you want to learn more about tags, see Using Tags.

Need to edit or add a tag? Click the edit icon to see a list that you and others created. Click a tag to edit the name. Click the X next to the name to delete it. Click 'Add tag' to create a new one. When creating a new tag, try combining existing search options to make unique search criteria.

Reviewed cases

A case can be marked reviewed on the Performance Summary tab.

If you click the 'Reviewed' button, you can filter on fitler cases based on that criteria.

By default, the Manage Cases page shows both reviewed and unreviewed cases. When the reviewed cases field is set to ‘No filter’, you see the default setting. Click the Reviewed Cases field and select reviewed or not reviewed to see only one or the other.

Search by identifier

Are you looking for cases with a specific patient ID, unit number, serial number, or device version? Enter the identifier you are looking for in the identifier field. You can only search using one identifier at a time.

Search by date

Search by date filters cases by their Case Start date. You will need to enter a ‘from’ and a ‘to’ date to specify a date range. You can manually enter the date or use the easy route and pick the date from the calendar.

Advanced Search

In addition to the search capabilities we have already discussed, there are even more ways to find cases in Advanced Search. Here you will be able to search by alarms, vitals, waveforms, device type, and patient age group.